Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If I Were President Obasanjo (2)

Today, let's start the REFORMS talk. Its purpose. Its prospects. Its content. Its continuity. And then, its consequences. Anyone who knows our country, Nigeria, must applaud Chief Olusegun Obasanjo for some of the courageous steps he has taken towards the long-overdue reforms in the economy. Sadly, it is not happening in politics and democracy. And that, to many, is the paradox. Dear me, that is a long story!

With barely 12 months to the official end of their tenure, all political office holders should now be ready to truly sacrifice for Nigeria. They have had their place, their pace and their face. They must now create the space for sustainable reforms and enduring change. The place to start is the PRESIDENCY, within the federal administration. The Nigerian bureaucratic behemoth so-called is an unwieldy conglomeration housing everything from the state house to the cabinet office, from the emergency agency to the boundary commission, from the civil service chief to a pool of conference vehicles their drivers, from civil servants housing and numerous guest houses to obscure parastatals, from the presidential air and land fleet to several research/training institutions. It is a breath-taking octopus and bewildering panorama!

If you thought the manpower needed for running this compelling curiosity were a study in Third World management miracles, you have a mesmerising missile yet coming: There is an unwieldy cabinet of about 50 ministers, scores of special advisers, senior special assistants, special assistants, consultants and political jobbers, with their own retinues of staffers and hangers-on. The Nigerian Presidency boasts the largest bureaucracy in the universe. And, it's largely believed, wastefully so! Had to dispute.

Well, in defence of the president, our constitution short-sightedly decreed a federal cabinet of at least one member from each state of the federation - which means 36 to start with! But, hey, these guys had 7 years before now to get rid of that nonsense - amend the military-imposed document. They did not. If the president stuck to the minimum, there should be less wastage. He didn't. In fact, he compounded it by his clearly over-bloated and overlapping appointments. Some supporters insist that this was a political expediency. Hard to agree. With this president's legendary obstinacy (ask the labour leaders!) , which he prefers to proudly celebrate as "Owu stubbornness" (i.e. from his ethnic heritage!), his spin-doctor's should try again!

If Chief Obasanjo truly means well for his legacy through the current reforms, he must reform and transform the presidency TODAY. He must get the constitution to reflect the "leaner government" decency of modernity and productive discipline of the new millennium. It is absolutely imperative that a new administration does not inherit this abnormality. What is a sensible and suitable rightsizing level? Look around the globe for lessons and lay your level. But, for God's sake, do it. Thankfully, we have paid enough for his study tours and state visits to equip him with first class case studies and enduring best practices.

If I were the president, I will not ignore the damning publications, in and out of the country, which suggest that The Presidency houses the largest proportion of the nation's corrupt practices. And for good measure, I should unleash the anti-corruption attack-dogs on all such criminals. TODAY! If they find nothing, hurray - one more honour for the reforms. We shame the writers and their paymasters! Sound case for doing it. So I will.

With this baggage off my back, I should begin a redefinition of my roles and reforms for a new Nigeria. If I were President Olusegun Obasanjo, the real reforms starts anew, afresh and ablast! Watch my moves....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

If I Were In Forbe's Top 10 Billionaires

Wealth. What a wind!
In its breadth, we catch our breath
By its storm, stomachs reform
For it sake, our world be staked
Wealth. What a wind!
The rich, and their reach
is the story of niche
or the gory in breach
Remain O'Wealth
for the land to grow
Riches. What a caste!

In honour of the billionaires, we must thank time, chances and reason. May we begrudge not the rich, nor stammer when we praise. I salute them.

Now, the demand. If I were a billionaire, and be in the League of Ten (L10), here is what I'd muse:

a. With so much poverty around the globe, how best can I not add to misery anywhere - but bring smiles to faces by this pouch.

b. Everywhere we turn there are voices and masses. Is anyone listening? Since our Club is about 1000 Members, how can we get talking....and, as Bill Clinton is now insisting through his Global Initiative, get on to walking the talk?

c. The future of our planet demands special talents and new politics. May I be able to join forces with New Thinkers, today!

d. What is this whole "Tales of the Unexpected from Africa" - Cradle of Humankind??? How can I help retrace the Golden Steps? Where be the KEY and the Hidden Gate so missed, this very long???

e. How can we invest in the International Space Station to make it more pro-PEOPLE, including support for a Space Hotel & Conference Resort plus Spiritual Retreat facilities? Can I work with Richard Branson and his BrainWaves goals?? And, why not???

f. Who succeeds me, personally, and us - billionaires - as a block? Would they make our wealth a bother? burden? or blaster? when we be gone?? Can we learn from Bill Gates in this respect??? And, why not????

If I were in the League of Ten, I will love and live the Club, and be at peace with myself. Then, export peace around the world. The wealth so given will ooze soothing breeze, not stir the whirlwind.

If I Were President Bush

There are moments, and there will be MOMENTS. Not many find the difference, very few spot the current. I believe that George W Bush has a date with history, and he can still make a new deal with HISTORY - the author of all things! If I were President Bush, I will take a personal retreat for self-assessment and legacy-assurance. When I return, it will be new business and never business as usual. Here is why.....

1. The United States of America, US, is too integral and important to our world for it to be taking the kind of bashing it currently endures. It hurts all.

2. There is nothing any country can do successfully alone today in world trade, drugs war, global terrorism, diplomacy and national security. That is why Russia, a cold war foe of the West, is a strategic partner in the international space center, and today chairing the G8. That is why the US embraces Pakistan as an ally despite being essentially a military regime. And that is why Western leaders and world class businesses have embraced China despite being a communist state.

3. The so-called clash of civilisations is seen largely as a war between America and Arabs, such that protests over the "Danish Newspaper Cartoon" saga were usually incomplete without roping in US interests!

4. In this new millenniun, cooperation and collaboration must be the bedrock of our world, to make it the true Global Village.

5. It seems clear that many of those bashing the US are not anti-America as they are anti-Bush Administration. Polls after polls point to this common sentiment.

6. Iraq is not going well at all. And it resonates around the globe as it does in mainstream America. The 3rd anniversary worldwide protests/demonstrations last week speak to this fact. And I suspect that many Americans would be pretty uneasy when the president said, a few days ago, that future US presidents and Iraqi governments will decide the fate of American troops' tenure in the troubled country. They would be there for years, Mr Bush declared! Well, that will hurt, all round.

Now, if I were President Bush, I will make surprise my magic wand. Fresh from my retreat, I will launch a Telephony Offensive. See who I will be calling, charming and challenging....

a. A G4 Meeting of US, EU, China and India to sweeten the sour trade grapes in their relations.

b. A special summit of the UN Security Council and Arab Leaders to deploy Moslem Troops to Iraq, and withdraw current coalition forces - with substantial US Funding - in 12 months.

c. Personal invitations to the leaders of Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Syria for well-packaged and publicised state reciprocal visits. President Nixon did it with China, and President Reagan with the USSR. The world is better for both.

d. Immediate embrace of the Kyoto Agreement, with fast-track US leadership.

e. Personal dialogue with disagreeing South American Leaders.

After the calls, and while the world is catching its breath, I will disband Gitmo and get my staff to draw up a water-tight Work Schedule for my new offensive. Then, we shall commence the congress rounds.

If I were President George W Bush, you wouldn't have me for Polls Meal any longer!

If I Were President Obasanjo (1)

Charity, they say, begins at home. I start this series from my homeland. And for very good, topical reason. We are in the election build up to 2007. The president and most of the governors are in their last and final term according to the 1999 constitution which brought them into office.
A long overdue review, inexplicably delayed for all of 7 years, is now being railroaded in what many believe is a blatant attempt at self-perpetuation in office. Beneficiaries? The president and the governors, who are preponderantly of his political party. Losers? Nigerians and the new democratic project.

If I were Olusegun Obasanjo, I will address the nation tonight and reaffirm my oath to protect, preserve and defend Nigeria, her democracy and best heritage. I will forswear and disown the ogre of "Third Term", and slay the dragon of instability it is now breeding in the land. Here is why......

A. The question of legacy. What should Obasanjo be noted and remembered for? Development or Democracy; Unity or Disintegration?

B. Personal Status and Stature. What does the president crave? Tallness of the "Political Iroko" hue? Or diminution of the "Perishable Sunflower" glow?

C. National Image and Black World's Leadership. Does he want to assure the continuity of our "Right & Rising" glory? Or lead Nigeria back to its "Past Pariah" ignominy?

D. The Crowd. Which group is Obasanjo listening to? Or instigating? The sane one? Or the sycophantic one? The voice of dispassionate sincerity or that of self-serving sentiments?

E. History. Has the president checked and rechecked the past? Even the recent past? He should. All those who supported his unjust conviction and jailing by a former dictator, who also sought life-presidency, are now beating the same drums for him! Many of those who came back to disown and betray former sit-tight dictators are now in the president's corner!! Bet, their leopard will never change its spots!!!

If I were President Obasanjo, I will seize the moment. At 70 years in 2007, it will be an oddity and deficit payback (to a nation that gave him so much!) for this president to be blocking others, especially the younger generations, from serving their country at the highest position in political governance. Even he would be the first to admit that Nigeria is blessed with lots of well-exposed, superior-educated, highly successful professionals and businesspeople as well as some decent politicians, who can and should lead their country into the new millennium. It is fraudulent, dishonest, immoral and unpatriotic to claim otherwise - as some "Third Term" proponents are trumpeting. See the sterling performance of Dr Iyabode Obasanjo-Bello, the president's first daughter, as Health Commissioner in Ogun State! And, for that matter, the cerebral and courageous (if impolitic!) press interviews/friendly chatters of his son, Gbenga.

If I were the president, nothing will stand between me and my Christian faith and Christ-like fidelity. My Jesus - the Saviour, Lord & Master - left at the appointed time (despite all temptations at Gethsemane!!!). To ensure continuity, he assured His disciples of the bestowal of the Comforter (Holy Spirit), which will guide them....To do even greater things than He(Jesus, The Christ) did!!!

Remember: Jesus, in overcoming the flesh, declared "Father, thy will be done!". If I were Chief Matthew Okikiola Olusegun Obasanjo, by the grace of God and the will of Nigerians, President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I will seize the moment. And in this surprise broadcast, tagged Special Presidential Address For A Greater Nigeria, I will thus declare: Fellow Nigerians, May Your Will Be Done. This Day, I Proclaim A Vacancy In The Presidency Of Our Dear Country, Come May 2007. Let The Race For A Worthy Successor Commence! God Bless The Federal Republic Of Nigeria. A Blessed NIGERIA.