Tuesday, March 21, 2006

If I Were In Forbe's Top 10 Billionaires

Wealth. What a wind!
In its breadth, we catch our breath
By its storm, stomachs reform
For it sake, our world be staked
Wealth. What a wind!
The rich, and their reach
is the story of niche
or the gory in breach
Remain O'Wealth
for the land to grow
Riches. What a caste!

In honour of the billionaires, we must thank time, chances and reason. May we begrudge not the rich, nor stammer when we praise. I salute them.

Now, the demand. If I were a billionaire, and be in the League of Ten (L10), here is what I'd muse:

a. With so much poverty around the globe, how best can I not add to misery anywhere - but bring smiles to faces by this pouch.

b. Everywhere we turn there are voices and masses. Is anyone listening? Since our Club is about 1000 Members, how can we get talking....and, as Bill Clinton is now insisting through his Global Initiative, get on to walking the talk?

c. The future of our planet demands special talents and new politics. May I be able to join forces with New Thinkers, today!

d. What is this whole "Tales of the Unexpected from Africa" - Cradle of Humankind??? How can I help retrace the Golden Steps? Where be the KEY and the Hidden Gate so missed, this very long???

e. How can we invest in the International Space Station to make it more pro-PEOPLE, including support for a Space Hotel & Conference Resort plus Spiritual Retreat facilities? Can I work with Richard Branson and his BrainWaves goals?? And, why not???

f. Who succeeds me, personally, and us - billionaires - as a block? Would they make our wealth a bother? burden? or blaster? when we be gone?? Can we learn from Bill Gates in this respect??? And, why not????

If I were in the League of Ten, I will love and live the Club, and be at peace with myself. Then, export peace around the world. The wealth so given will ooze soothing breeze, not stir the whirlwind.

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