Saturday, February 24, 2007

If I Were The UN Security Council...on Iran

Diplomacy has shown its benefits in the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear issue. It will do same with the Iranian issue as well.

If I were the UN Security Council, I will press for diplomatic solutions, and place a moratorium on inflammatory rhetorics - especially between the US and Iran.

Russia needs to step up, as China finally did with the DPRK, and come up with a creative cum courageous proposal that everyone can sign up on. Iranian leaders should not underestimate the crisis nor should the United States underplay the need for Iran's support in it's efforts in Iraq. Both countries must back down from their hostile posturing NOW.

If I were the Security Council, this matter will be placed with President Putin right away. He can do it with the tacit support of the French and Chinese. Iran must listen to its friends and backers this time. We all know the problem, and, by Jove, we do know the solution. Why waver?

It is time for peace, alas.

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