Wednesday, March 14, 2007

If I Were President (Papa) Jacques Chirac...(2)

Now that the grand elder statesman has spoken, we must congratulate him and move on. Papa says he'll not stand for re-election in April, and that he'll continue to fight for social justice, truth, human rights and successful Europe. He will always promote the interests of France. Bravo!

As I have said before, one project of maximum impact for France, EU, AU, UN and the world is ORGANIC Foods, Drinks & Drugs (OFDD). And it is based essentially on nature-based and environmentally-friendly AGRICULTURE. As Papa knows, the world is right now living on junk! Simpliciter. Period. Yes.

No one needs a lecture on the benefits of healthy-living the nature-way. Or the native sense in planting, hunting and fishing the right & sustainable way. We all know the truth: let is set us free! Pleeeeze.

Which is why the Organic Crusade needs the stature & status of an eminent world leader and elder to lead from the front. Which was why I sad before that Papa Jacques Chirac is one of the most qualified persons today for the task. And that he should kindly retire to take charge.

Which is now why I insist that if I were this wise president, I will set up a simple foundation to pursue this waiting dream! I won't tarry a day.

In the interest of full disclosure, who doesn't know that Organic Farming & Fishing will best succeed in the unpolluted and vast terrains of AFRICA & SOUTH AMERICA? And that I am an African? Hey!

If President Chirac drags his feet on this, I am sure Chancellor Angela Merkel will use the power of her combined leadership status (EU & G8) plus her power of newness to "appoint" him right away!

When this works, we will all (especially EU and AU, including ACP-EU) be truly profited by the full rewards.

In 5 short years!

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