Monday, August 28, 2006

If I Were Nigeria's Parliaments and Legislators

In the remaining months of their current tenure, parliamentarians at all levels have a duty to both self and country. They need to search their conscience, and answer the following questions:

1) Have we served with equity and justice?
2) Have we kept to our oath of office?
3) Have the nation, and our constituencies, had the deserved benefits/dividends of democracy?4) Can I face my God and say I did my absolute best....and have earned my pay/privileges?
5) Am I a worthy and visible example of parliamentarians of honour and dignity?
6) If we did our job, why are the anti-corruption agencies screaming blue murder?
7) Why is Nigeria's corruption and development rating so abysmal?
8) Why are politicians protesting the new regime of scrutiny of their integrity and assets?
9) Why is the Freedom Of Information bill still languishing in the Senate?
10) Why, after 11Trillion Naira of federally-distributed revenue, not to mention internal and other external revenue/resources, in 7 YEARS, is our country still in this socio-economic mess?

If I were a legislator, I will wonder and worry about history. Can I be a healthy part of it, or just a pathetic footnote, as things stand today in this country? I will ask my colleagues and preacher and compatriots for make amends. And here is a key hint:

a) Let's ask the anti-corruption agencies for all dossiers on the executive branch, and ACT now
b) Let's probe our principal officers of ALL the parliaments in the country, and punish the guilty
c) Let's work with the National Judicial Council to sanitize the judiciary before May 2007
d) Let's remove all taxes on education, IT and media materials, to boost public information
e) Let's tackle the worsening state of insecurity in the land
f) Let's pass the law on "Social Security and Welfare Scheme" this year
g) Let's increase the "Derivation Percentage" in our revenue allocation regime
h) Let's roll out Internet Broadband nationwide....before May 2007, and localise home traffic
i) Let's roll out massively on Cassava, Yam, Maize and Aquaculture between now and May '07
j) Let's act with the FEAR of God Almighty.

If I were Nigeria's Parliamentarians, we should be bonding together to tackle these matters, the results of which can be amazingly dramatic, and which fallout will empower our poor voters to be better able to resist money politics and shame electoral charlatans next year!

Because it will be magic, I will act NOW.

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