The greed in government is fast becoming a creed! There seems to be no appetite for public accountability or the guilt-function in the consciousness of our public officials. Budgets at all levels are loaded with outragious "recurrent" expenditure to the detriment of "capital" spending which is how development comes!!
It is why we owe workers, penalise pensioners, and pauperise da people...without a shred of shame!!!
If I were President Umaru Yar'Adua, the first place to start is to RECOVER all stolen monies at ALL levels of governance. To do so successfully, a vigorous tasking is due, backed by a robust "whistle-blowers" regime that promotes, procures, profits and protects both "informants and "witnesses".
If I were the president, I will invite, induce and sustain religious and traditional institutions to return to "truth" and "culture" by backing a 5-YEAR Cleansing Crusade.
I will put up a bill to "incentivise" and "subsidise" the media, as we do to the other arms ot the realm, to enable them discharge their constitutional duty as WATCHDOG. Of course, this means that the Freedom of Information Law is a sine qua non!
Finally, I will institute a Nigerian version of the Mo Ibrahim Prize for African Leadership in governance.
Due process, rule of law, foreign collaboration and exemplary punishment will be rigorous. Any country that aids or abets da looters must pay a stiff globally proclaimed price for such hostile act/sabotage. Our friends and partners must accept that ANTI-CORRUPTION is core, front and centre to our NATIONAL SECURITY.