Here is my sense: Africa likes Gordon Brown. Africa is getting to like Angela Merkel. Africa wishes to like Nicholas Sarkozy. Yes. Hey, what about George W Bush? Well, after appointing two successive "Black" secretaries of state with apparently little interest in, and virtually no impact on, their mother-continent, let's pass that question. With Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US subprime crises, his plate be full.
Okay, you know I have a soft spot for these three leaders. Which is why I really want them to succeed. If they must fly in Africa, then this be the time to step ahead of the G8 and EU herd, and charge creatively, courageously and substantially their engagement with the region. Waiting on others, or sinking with their drag is a collective disaster very clear and present!
But the rationale for this distinctive and proactive intervention dates way way back, and is at once moralistic and pragmatic. If I were these conscientious leaders, I will deeply contemplate the following points/posers and act innovatively...and promptly:
Africa was partitioned and colonised at the infamous Berlin Conference of 1884. Beneficiaries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Protugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. See wikipedia on "The Scramble for Africa". Well known story. So Germany, as host, has both an "anchor" stake and genuine "motivator/mobiliser" role in the revival and regeneration of Africa, and its peoples. Dear Chancellor, get on with it!
There is a modern fine reason the country should lead the rebirth, rebuild, of Africa: History and Experience. Getting back from the World Wars, and unification after the Cold War, makes her the mirror of change. Enduring change. Taking these capacities and capabilities to Africa will work magic. Germany knows what it is to be partitioned, down and suppressed! She can very deeply empathise with our continent. So, dear Chancellor, get on with it!!
The UK (Anglophone) and France (Francophone) had and still have the dispropotionate share, colonial legacies, links and influence in Africa. In their own self-enlightened and national security interest, I strongly recommend that they act unilaterally and multi-bilaterally to help redeem the abject poverty and hopelessness in the region. If they are sincere and strategic, their sphere of influence can and should be tackled without recourse to other players, notably the US. See what China and India are doing - warts and all.
If I were Prime Minister Gordon Brown, I will take the Gleneagles & UK Commission portfolios and actualise them for "Anglophonie". If I were President Nicholas Sarkozy, I will do the same for "Francophonie".
Once on track, I will work as a TRIOKA of Brown, Merkel, Sarkozy, to drive the EU and G8 in the same direction - especially Canada, Russia, Japan. Gordon Brown can also attract Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore to the new deal.
The key is simple: Massive investment in Agriculture, Solid Minerals, Infrastructure, Telecoms and MSMEs. Special funds for MICROFINANCE to support women and youths in creating jobs through self-employment. Massive investment in Energy (hydro, solar, wind, bio). All these through public-private partnerships backed by export guarantees, plus brain drain mitigation grants and technical assistance. Finally, a Bilateral Free Trade Zone that favours Africa's farm produce and manufactures. A 10-Year Action Portfolio.
Cost? With 20 Billion Euros per year for 10 years, by each government, as catalytic funding, I believe that this will unleash the power, passion and resources of the private sector, donors and development agencies for an unprecedented turnaround in Africa! No question.
If I were these three leaders, I will sign on TODAY!